Home Inspections

Our professional inspections alert buyers and sellers of any defects and safety hazards that one might not see, or are not aware of, in a household. By having an inspection, both buyers and sellers will feel more confident in the investment they are about to make. Our inspection provides a visual examination of more than 500 items in a home, from the foundation to the roof. As a bonus, our inspectors will conduct a free carbon monoxide and gas leakage test as well.
We concentrate on a large number of areas during the inspection:
The 500+ item inspection findings we give to you are packaged in an attractive, easy-to-reference three-ring final report binder. The High Point Inspections Final Report is acknowledged as the elite standard for home inspection reports in the Chicagoland area. It features a computerized, comprehensive final report evaluation of the home, a 90 day Home Warranty, and a seasonal maintenance checklist.
Prices start at $300. Make an appointment for an inspection today!
For Home Buyers
If you are thinking about buying a house, schedule an inspection before you close. Just because the house appears to be in perfect condition does not mean it actually is! Many conditions are not visible and can only be detected by a professional inspector.
Do Away with Surprises
An inspection will give you a great idea of the strengths and weaknesses of your choice home. After the inspector reviews the final report with you, you will be better aware of the condition of the home’s various systems. You will feel more confident to make an informed purchasing decision.
At High Point Inspections, the inspector only represents you. They are working to satisfy your needs. By the Code of Ethics of ASHI and the State of Illinois, our inspectors cannot offer to repair existing problems. Therefore, you will be assured that you will receive an unbiased inspection.
Gain Knowledge and Understanding
Our inspector’s job is not only to discover defects, but to also take the time to answer any questions or concerns you may have. We go the extra step to explain how things work, where controls are located, and how to best maintain your new home. This is our job, and it’s what we love to do!
Receive an Industry-Leading Final Report
When the inspection is complete, our inspector will provide you with a personalized, detailed 40–50 page computerized final report. We will also provide you with a 90 day Home Warranty, so that you have all the information you need to make an informed purchasing decision.
For Home Sellers
If you are wanting to sell your home, then we’ll make things easy for you! Get an inspection before you put your house on the market. No matter how long you lived in your house, it does not guarantee that the home does not have any surprises that were never uncovered. An inspection will provide you with the knowledge of any problem that pertains to your home. This will be to your advantage—when a buyer addresses a problem, you will have already had the opportunity to research or repair it.
Increasing Your Sale Price
In order to get the highest possible price, you must offer a home in its best condition. Do this by having the home inspection done beforehand, and by following the recommendations made by the final report.
Cost of Repairs
By having the early inspection, more time is allowed to shop for the best price for the respective repairs. Contractors often charge higher prices when they know you’re on a deadline. Save thousands of dollars by shopping for your repairs early.
Eliminate surprises by having High Point Inspections inspect your home before you put it on the Market.